Bought a Fuji X100 two weeks ago, which I gave a trial outing on Tuesday 21 May. Before ordering, I read that the latest software update had fixed the much-reported focussing issues, which had been the only factor that concerned me.
I’d read, too, that the X100 was a camera you’d either love or hate. Sadly, my short time with the X100 puts me firmly in the second category. Focussing with the camera was still hit and miss, and I was not in the least impressed with image quality, which is easily bettered by my Nikon D90 with a prime lens.
I also discovered that battery life was mediocre; 77 shots on a full charge — and that with the camera set to viewfinder mode only (back LCD off).
I’m sure the new incarnation, the X100s, is an improvement. But for me the X100 was a disappointment. I was lucky to have purchased the camera from a reputable UK dealer who, I’m glad to report, issued a full refund.
Of the 77 images I took, there was only one I liked, which I’ve posted below. (I plan another photo walk this week, when I will be trying out a 24mm lens for the Nikon.)
Windswept (click for larger image) |
Also, a question if you don't mind. Do you use a viewfinder for your GRD? Just curious whether the extra investment is worth it.
DeletePlease see my reply in the blog post entitled "Downsizing."